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Some Math Methods






Returns the absolute value of a specified number.


Returns the cosine of the specified angle. Angle must be in radians


Returns the larger of two specified numbers.


Returns the smaller of two numbers.


Rounds a value to the nearest integer.


Returns the sine of the specified angle.   Angle must be in radians


Returns the square root of a specified number.


Returns the tangent of the specified angle. Angle must be in radians


Calculates the integral part of a number.




Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim root As Double = Math.Sqrt(2) ' calculate the square root of 2
        ' display the results in a message dialog
        MessageBox.Show("The square root of 2 is " & root, "The Square Root of 2")
    End Sub

End Module



Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim number1 As Integer = 37
        Dim number2 As Integer = 45
        Dim largest As Integer
        largest = Math.Max(number1, number2)
        MessageBox.Show("The largest of " & num1 & " and " & unm22 & " is " & largest, "Math.max")
    End Sub

End Module





Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
      Dim num1 As Integer = 37
      Dim num2 As Integer = 45
      Dim smallest As Integer
      smallest = Math.Min(num1, num2)
      MessageBox.Show("The smallest of " & num1 & " and " & num2 & " is " & smallest, "Math.min")
End Sub

End Module




Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
      Dim num1 As Double = 45.6789
      Dim Rnd As Integer = Math.Round(num1)
      MessageBox.Show("The effect of using Math.Round on 45.6789 is: " & Rnd, "Math.Round")
End Sub

End Module


Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
      Dim num1 As Double = 45.6789
      Dim A As Integer = Math.Truncate(num1)
      MessageBox.Show("The effect of using Math.Truncate on 45.6789 is: " & A, "Math.Truncate")
    End Sub

End Module


Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim num1 As Double = -45.6789
        Dim A As Double = Math.Abs(num1)
        MessageBox.Show("The effect of using Math.Abs on -45.6789 is: " & A, "Math.Abs")
    End Sub

End Module


Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim x As Double = 3.1416 / 4
        Dim y As Double = Math.Sin(x)

        MessageBox.Show("The Sin of pi/4 is : " & y, "Math.Sin")
    End Sub

End Module


Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim x As Double = 3.1416 / 4
        Dim y As Double = Math.Cos(x)

        MessageBox.Show("The Cos of pi/4 is : " & y, "Math.Cos")
    End Sub

End Module


Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim x As Double = 3.1416 / 4
        Dim y As Double = Math.Tan(x)

        MessageBox.Show("The Tan of pi/4 is : " & y, "Math.Tan")
    End Sub

End Module

Note: The Tan should be 1 - the rest result from inaccuracies in numerical calculations - discuss in detail in my numerical methods course second semester